Splash Development


Splash is free & open source. Development happens at GitHub: https://github.com/scrapinghub/splash

Development Setup

Consult with Installation to get Splash up and running.

Install development specific dependencies with:

$ sudo apt-get install libffi-dev libssl-dev

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

Functional Tests


Run with:

py.test --doctest-modules splash

To speedup test running install pytest-xdist Python package and run Splash tests in parallel:

py.test --doctest-modules -n4 splash

Stress tests

There are some stress tests that spawn its own splash server and a mock server to run tests against.

To run the stress tests:

python -m splash.tests.stress

Typical output:

$ python -m splash.tests.stress
Total requests: 1000
Concurrency   : 50
Log file      : /tmp/splash-stress-48H91h.log
Received/Expected (per status code or error):
  200: 500/500
  504: 200/200
  502: 300/300